When Kurt and Courtney Were Happy; Tetris Daze at MIT

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today: Previously unseen footage of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love not looking doomed and unhappy, The Simpsons tweaks Fox during the network's early birthday party, and Friday night is all right for Tetris on buildings at MIT.

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Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love look relaxed, happy, and nothing at all like one of the more combative couples in rock-and-roll history as they sing the previously unheard "Stinking of You." The footage comes from Hit So Hard, a documentary about the couple by Hole drummer Patty Schemel, and it's nice and bright and relaxed enough to bring Cobain fans down hard into the dumps, since everyone knows the ending isn't a happy one. [via Huffington Post]

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Here's a lovely time-lapse video from Dutch filmmaker Frans Hofmeester that includes a picture of his son Vince taken every day from birth to the day he turned nine. At worst, it's the second best time-lapse video to emerge in recent days featuring one of the Hofmeester kids, since the director pursued an identical project with his daughter Lotte, which was posted last week. [Frans Hofmeester via Mashable]

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Fox celebrate its 25th birthday -- which technically isn't until April 29 -- a week early last night with a special evening of programming that included the pilot for The Simpsons. The producers included a mild jab at Fox News along with their hearty congratulations, which is only fair, since everyone had to have their gifts ready a week early [Mediaite via The Hollywood Reporter]

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Plans to play a giant game of Tetris on the facade of The Cecil and Ida Green Building on the campus of MIT have been kicking around since at least 1995, according to Google engineer Vadim Gerasimov. On Friday night, hackers finally managed to pull it off. The result, if you can overlook the absence of full lines and the hypnotic Tetris theme music, bears more than a passing resemblance to a game of Tetris played on the side of a building. [via Mshochat723]

Here's 18 seconds of Hollywood animal noise savant Frank Welker growling and roaring like a lion in the recording booth for The Lion King. It's worth noting that Welker also gave Optimus Prime his voice. Now that's versatility. [via Cartoon Brew]