Kris Aquino: Bimby finds out about new baby on Facebook!

The actress says ex-husband James Yap has yet to tell their son about his new half-brother

13 Oct - Kris Aquino has admitted that ex-husband James Yap has failed to tell their son Bimby about new baby brother, Michael James, who was born back in August.

According to Sunstar, Aquino, who appeared at Ariel's Wash Your Fears Summit held in Makati City recently, stated that it was their long-time nanny, Gerbel, who first learned that Yap's girlfriend, Michela Cazzola, had given birth to a baby boy.

"It was not told to him," said Aquino, who revealed that Bimby only knew about the birth on Facebook.

"I'm not disparaging them [James and girlfriend Michela] because that was their choice. I want them to be also happy and peaceful, because when there's peace and happiness in the other side, there's peace and happiness in your home. But it hurts me because my son deserves to find out. I wish they told him directly," she added.

Nonetheless, Aquino said that she has already had a discussion with Bimby, and told him that they should visit the newborn when he is ready.

In a previous interview last month, Yap admitted that he hadn't had the chance to meet Bimby to share the news himself, and said that he will wait for the right time.

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