Kosovo Man Guilty of Murdering U.S. Airmen in Frankfurt Airport Shooting

The guy who killed two U.S. airmen and wounded two others in a shooting spree at the Frankfurt Airport in Germany will spend his life in prison, a German court decided on Friday. Arid Uka, a 22-year-old airport worker from Kosovo was convicted of two counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder. Uka said over the summer that he went on a shooting spree in the airport last March after watching a scene from the film Redacted that he thought was real. The scene showed U.S. servicemen raping a Muslim girl in Iraq.

RELATED: Kosovo Man Says He Shot U.S. Airmen After Watching 'Redacted'

Uka shot the four airmen and aimed his gun at a fifth, but it jammed. In August, the BBC reported Uka would likely get 15 years in prison if the court accepted his confession, but on Friday the Associated Press reported that "the court found that Uka bears 'particularly severe guilt,' meaning he won't immediately be eligible for parole after 15 years as is usual in Germany."