Kim Kardashian backs down in row over ‘kimono’ underwear

With the launch of her new Kimono shapewear line, Kim Kardashian sparked accusations of cultural appropriation - VANESSA BEECROFT
With the launch of her new Kimono shapewear line, Kim Kardashian sparked accusations of cultural appropriation - VANESSA BEECROFT

Kim Kardashian West has surrendered in her battle with purists angered by her decision to name a new line of body-hugging underwear “Kimono”.

The US reality TV star attracted immediate criticism when she announced last week that her latest range of “shapewear” would expropriate the name of Japan’s traditional clothing.

With the furore not fading a week after the line was launched to Kardashian’s 60 million Twitter and 142 million Instagram followers, she finally backed down.

“I am always listening, learning and growing”, she said in a statement released on Monday. “I so appreciate the passion and varied perspectives that people bring to me.

“When I announced the name of my new shapewear line, I did so with the best intentions in mind”, she said.

Among those who had called on Ms Kardashian to reconsider was the mayor of the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto.

In a letter that he also shared on social media, the mayor, Daisaku Kadokawa - who invariably attends official functions in a kimono - politely indicated that Ms Kardashian had made a mistake.

“Kimono is a traditional ethnic dress fostered in our rich nature and history with our predecessors’ tireless endeavours and studies and it is a culture that has been cherished and passed down with loving care”, the mayor wrote.

“Also it is a fruit of craftsmanship and truly symbolises the sense of beauty, spirits and values of Japanese”.

The mayor’s letter attracted more than 1,000 comments on Facebook, the vast majority supportive of his effort to protect “kimono culture”, even though it appears likely that Ms Kardashian was more inspired by the play on her name rather than Japan’s traditional clothing.

 Girls wearing the yukata, or casual summer kimono, run as they cross the road at a shopping district in Tokyo - Credit: Reuters
Girls wearing the yukata, or casual summer kimono, run as they cross the road at a shopping district in Tokyo Credit: Reuters

One poster said: “Thank you for standing up for the heritage and cultural aspect of kimono.”

Another added: “Total support to you. I really love Japanese culture and I don’t want the kimono word to be used as a trademark”.

Others had suggested a petition against the new brand, while one person even called for the Kardashians to be banned from entering Japan.

Kardashian had only four days previously said in an interview with the New York Times that she would not be changing the name, saying she had a “deep respect for the significance of the kimono in Japanese culture”.

The letter from the mayor of Kyoto was delivered the following day, although an official of the city government confirmed that it has had no direct reply from Ms Kardashian.