Kim Davis's Lawyer Claims She Met With Pope Francis Last Week

The Vatican supposedly has the pictures.

When she’s not crusading for Christianity refusing to do her job, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis is holding private meetings with the Pope. Allegedly.

Her attorney Mat Staver claims she met with Pope Francis on September 24 at the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C. He told CBS News that the meeting lasted about 10 minutes and that Pope Francis told her to “stay strong.” He went on to say that the Pope gifted Davis and her husband with rosaries he had blessed. Swell.

If you're looking for photos from the supposed meeting, you're out of luck. According to Staver, they’re in possession of the Vatican. What we can verify is that Pope Francis did visit the United States last week and he did say he didn’t know the details of her case.

The Vatican has not confirmed that this meeting ever took place.

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