Kid Rock Wore American Flag Pants to Golf with President Trump

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From Esquire

While the nation held its breath as Attorney General William Barr reviewed the contents of the Mueller report Saturday, Kid Rock and President Trump enjoyed a sunny day on the links at Mar-a-Lago. Though the president has been uncharacteristically subdued on Twitter ever since the investigation he dubbed a "witch hunt" drew to a close, Kid Rock shared a photo of the pair to his social media accounts.

"Another great day on the links!" he wrote. "Thank you to POTUS for having me and to EVERYONE at Trump International for being so wonderful. What a great man, so down to earth and so fun to be with!! KEEP AMERICA GREAT!!"

Kid Rock has been a vocal Trump supporter since his presidential run, telling Rolling Stone in 2016 that he was "digging Donald Trump," and adding that his campaign was "entertaining as shit." He joined fellow members of the celebrity MAGA contingent Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin for an intimate White House dinner with the president in 2017, and returned with Kanye West last year. The men attended the signing of the Music Modernization Act, which updated audio copyright law for the streaming era.

Of course, Twitter denizens were quick to clown on Kid Rock's ridiculous golf wear, and eager to point out that wearing the American flag as a clothing item is a violation of the United States Flag Code.

Even Sheryl Crow, Kid Rock's one-time duet partner, got in on the action.

Kid Rock is no stranger to flag code abuses, and regularly incorporates the stars and stripes into his jazzier ensembles. At least this time he’s not wearing that other flag he likes.

Photo credit: Chris Polk - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chris Polk - Getty Images

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