KFC, Elton John and steaming trousers while wearing them: New book 'lifts the lid' on life in Team Trump

Donald Trump eats McDonald's on board a private jet during the campaign last year -  realdonaldtrump/Instagram
Donald Trump eats McDonald's on board a private jet during the campaign last year - realdonaldtrump/Instagram

Donald Trump has a penchant for junk food and Elton John songs played at deafening volumes all while having his trousers steam pressed when he is still wearing them, claims a colourful new inside account of his 2016 election campaign.

According to the book co-written by two former senior aides, the US president’s temper is so brutal that a verbal assault by the leader of the free world is described as having your "face ripped off."

His wrath is so all-consuming that it would "break most hardened men and women into little pieces”, writes  Corey Lewandowski, a former campaign manager, and David Bossie, another top aide, in ‘Let Trump Be Trump’.

The two men said there were moments during Mr Trump’s improbable run to the White House when "they wanted to parachute off Trump Force One".

"Sooner or later, everybody who works for Donald Trump will see a side of him that makes you wonder why you took a job with him in the first place," they wrote in the book due for release on Tuesday.

In brief | Donald Trump’s family

"His wrath is never intended as any personal offence, but sometimes it can be hard not to take it that way. The mode that he switches into when things aren’t going his way can feel like an all-out assault; it'd break most hardened men and women into little pieces."

According to the Washington Post, which obtained an advance release of the book, much is made of Mr Trump's junk food diet.

"On Trump Force One there were four major food groups: McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, pizza and Diet Coke," the two aides  wrote.

"The plane's cupboards were stacked with Vienna Fingers, potato chips, pretzels and many packages of Oreos because Trump, a  renowned germaphobe, would not eat from a previously opened package."

During the election campaign, Dr. Harold Bornstein, Mr Trump's physician, released a note to say the then candidate had "extraordinary" stamina and physical strength and would be the "healthiest person ever elected president". A more detailed report revealed Mr Trump's cholesterol to be a little elevated.

US President Donald Trump poses in his office aboard Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland - Credit: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images
US President Donald Trump in his office aboard Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland Credit: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images

The book also details the rise through the ranks of Hope Hicks, Mr Trump's 29-year-old communications director, and how when she was asked to join his campaign, the public relations executive thought he was referring to a publicity campaign for one of his properties.

"No, my presidential campaign! I’m running for president," he told her.

One of Miss Hicks’ less glamorous jobs was to make sure that Mr Trump’s suits were pressed when they flew on his plane. He would yell at her: "Get the machine!", the book claims. 

"And Hope would take out the steamer and start steaming Mr. Trump’s suit, while he was wearing it! She'd steam the jacket first and then sit in a chair in front of him and steam his pants [trousers]."

On the many flights taken on Mr Trump's plane, the future president would insist that Elton John music be blared so loudly, his staff "could not hear themselves think".

The US leader is known to be a huge fan of the British singer songwriter, although the admiration is not mutual.

Mr Lewandowski was eventually fired from the team in June 2016. It was his boss's son Don Jr who pulled the trigger, he said.

The book release comes after a difficult week for the president which saw his former national security adviser Michael Flynn admit to charges that he lied to the FBI regarding his dealings with Russia.

Mr Trump appeared to acknowledge that he was aware that Mr Flynn, a former Army general, had lied to the FBI - a criminal offence - when he fired him in February.

In a tweet he wrote: "I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a  shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!'

It later emerged that his lawyer John Dowd authored the tweet.

Mr Trump continued his attack on the FBI regardless. He tweeted: "Its reputation is in tatters - worst in history! But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness."

Meanwhile, Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat senator, became the most senior politician to hint at possible impeachment proceedings.

Senator Feinstein​ claimed a Senate investigation into Mr Trump's possible connections to Russia had revealed a possible  obstruction of justice case against the president.

She told US television: "The Senate Judiciary Committee has an investigation going as well and it involves obstruction of justice and I  think what we're beginning to see is the putting together of a case of obstruction of justice.

"I think we see this in the indictments, the four indictments and pleas that have just taken place and some of the comments that are being made."