Key Russia testimony from Donald Trump's inner circle looms as president marks turbulent six months in office

Donald Trump marks six months in office today - EPA
Donald Trump marks six months in office today - EPA

President Donald Trump marks six months in office today mired in accusations of collusion with Russia, revelations about a “secret” meeting with Vladimir Putin, and having failed to achieve his cornerstone campaign promise of healthcare reform.

Next week has the potential to deliver the most high-profile congressional testimony involving the Russian meddling probes since former FBI Director James Comey appeared in June.

The US president’s eldest son, his son-in-law and a former campaign manager will testify before Congress,  it was announced on Wednesday, in what could be a crucial step in the ongoing Trump-Russia investigation.

Donald Trump Jr. speaks at a campaign rally for his father last year - Credit: AP
Donald Trump Jr. speaks at a campaign rally for his father last year Credit: AP

Donald Trump Jr and Paul Manafort are scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on  Wednesday at 10am.

Jared Kushner, husband of Ivanka Trump and a senior adviser at the White House, will meet the Senate intelligence committee on Monday, his lawyer said. That session is expected to be held in private.

"Working with and being responsive to the schedules of the committees, we have arranged Mr. Kushner's interview with the Senate for July 24,"  Lowell said. "He will continue to cooperate and appreciates the opportunity to assist in putting this matter to rest."

Senior adviser to President Donald Trump Jared Kushner, right, and Ivanka Trump, the daughter of President Donald Trump - Credit: AP
Senior adviser to President Donald Trump Jared Kushner, right, and Ivanka Trump, the daughter of President Donald Trump Credit: AP

All three men are almost certain to be asked about a June 2016 meeting they attended with a Russian lawyer in the expectation of receiving incriminating information about Hillary Clinton.

The lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, also said on Wednesday she was ready to testify before the US Senate and "clarify the situation."

A special counsel, Robert Mueller, is also conducting an investigation of Russian meddling, an issue which has overshadowed Mr Trump's tenure in office.

The president told the New York Times on Wednesday that he would not have appointed ally and former Senator Jeff Sessions as attorney general if he had known Mr Sessions would recuse himself from oversight of the Russia probe.

The Donald Trump campaign’s Russia connections

"Sessions should have never recused himself, and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else," Mr Trump said.

Russian officials have repeatedly denied allegations Moscow interfered in the presidential campaign to help Mr Trump.

Trump battles to revive healthcare plans

In a bid to revive his domestic agenda, Mr Trump is trying to rally Republicans to overhaul Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), President Barack Obama’s signature domestic policy legacy, after their efforts collapsed in the Senate this week.

The president said senators should not leave for their summer break until it was done. He said: “We are so close. We have to stay here. We shouldn’t leave town. Inaction is not an option.”

Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader, has vowed to go ahead with a vote next week to repeal the Act, despite indications it will fail after defections by at least three Republican senators. 

Thirty-two million Americans would lose their health insurance by 2026 if Obamacare was repealed without a replacement, the US Congressional Budget Office reported.

Mr Trump has a lower approval rating at the six-month mark than any president since Gerald Ford in 1975.

Putin meeting 'deeply troubling'

He has hit back angrily at reports of a previously undisclosed conversation with Mr Putin at the G20 summit in Germany. “Fake News story of secret dinner with Putin is ‘sick’,” Mr Trump wrote on Twitter. “All G20 leaders, and spouses, were invited by the Chancellor of Germany. Press knew!”

The White House confirmed the encounter took place at a dinner for world leaders and their spouses. Mr Putin was seated next to Melania Trump, the First Lady, while Mr Trump sat near Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minster.

President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. Trump had a second, previously undisclosed conv - Credit: AP
President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. Trump had a second, previously undisclosed conv Credit: AP

Over dessert, Mr Trump moved to talk to Mr Putin. His own translator only spoke English and Japanese, so the Kremlin translator was used. No notes were taken nor record made. 

On Wednesday the top Democrat on the US House of Representatives intelligence committee, Adam Schiff, told CNN: “These two isolated leaders on the world stage making common cause in a way that is not been witnessed by any of our national security officials … that’s deeply troubling.”

Putin 'won in Syria'

Mr Trump has been trying to find ways to work with Russia, particularly on Syria. Two US officials said on Wednesday Mr Trump had decided to halt the CIA's covert programme to equip and train certain rebel groups fighting the government of President Bashar al-Assad, a move sought by Russia.

“This is a momentous decision,” a current official told the Washington Post. “Putin won in Syria.”

The programme was a key component begun by the Obama administration in 2013 to put pressure on Assad to relinquish power. But even its supporters have questioned its usefulness since Moscow sent forces in Syria two years later.

Russia long saw the anti-Assad programme as an assault on its interests. Ending the plan, in addition to appeasing Mr Putin, is also an acknowledgment of the United States' limited ability to remove Assad from power.