Is Kevin Still Loyal To Jason In ‘Big Brother’ 19?

“Big Brother” Season 19 houseguest Jason Dent may have pissed Kevin Schlehuber off after he joked about raping the stay-at-home dad’s wife if he ever puts him on the block. But even if this was the case, the dad-of-seven decided to prove his loyalty to his pal.

Warning: This article contains spoilers from episodes of “Big Brother” Season 19 that have not yet aired. Read at your own risk!

After Christmas Abbott named Jason and Alex Ow as this week’s nominees, Kevin was told by the houseguests that he needs to lay low. Christmas told Jason and Alex that there’s a plan to backdoor Kevin, but since they also told the latter to lay low, Kevin realized that there’s really no backdoor plan to get him out this week.

During one of his conversations with Jason, Kevin tells his good friend that he should do everything he can to win the Power of Veto (POV). Kevin said that if he doesn’t, Jason will most likely be sent to the jury house, according to Big Brother Network. At first Jason was confused with Kevin’s revelation, but he realized that it made a lot of sense for the houseguests to take him out since he is a competition beast.

Unfortunately, after the POV competition was held, returning vet Paul Abrahamian won. He now has the power to either keep the nominations the same or use it on either Jason or Alex. Paul and Alex had a final two deal since their first few weeks in the house so it’s possible that Alex will be safe this week. Kevin could also go up on the block as a pawn and may actually be backdoored depending on what the houseguests decide to do.

But before the POV ceremony, Josh Martinez realized that Paul has been protecting Alex, and he’s not very pleased with it. He tells Christmas that Paul must be up to something and said that maybe taking Alex out instead of Jason could be what’s good for their game. But before this week’s Head of Household (HOH) could do anything, Paul first needs to decide what he will do with his POV.

“Big Brother” Season 19 will return to CBS on Sunday at 8 p.m. EDT.

‘Big Brother’
‘Big Brother’

Kevin Schlehuber recently proved his loyalty to his pal, Jason Dent, in “Big Brother” Season 19. Photo: CBS

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