Kevin Smith To Direct Another Season 2 Episode Of ‘Supergirl’

“Supergirl” Season 2, episode 9 — which Kevin Smith directed — doesn’t air until next week, but the actor-director recently announced on Twitter that he’s already set to return to Vancouver to direct another episode of the CW series.

Smith revealed to that “Supergirl” producers offered him the opportunity to direct episode 17 of the current season. Although directing an episode of “Supergirl” is a month-long task, Smith said that it wasn’t hard for him to accept the job.

“I fell in love with everybody up there, so it was easy to say ‘yeah,’” Smith told the website. “It takes something special to make you put aside your own [stuff] when you’re creative, when you have the ability to make the stories you want to make. It’s fun to watch other people’s stories, [but] it’s just way more fun to make your own. So whenever you put your [stuff] aside, it has to be for something worthwhile.”

“Working on ‘Supergirl’ is like a month of your life, but I’d give it up in a heartbeat because the last experience I had was so rewarding and I was so happy with what we did,” Smith continued. “I like all the people up there, and I believe in the show in a big, bad way. It’s incredibly warm. It's just well-made entertainment, and it’s got something to it. It’s a little nourishing, it’s not just fast food. There’s always some heart to it.”

In November, series stars Melissa Benoist and Mehcad Brooks talked about their experience working with Smith for Season 2, episode 9, and both actors had nothing but praise for the director.

Benoist said that Smith was “so supportive and encouraging” as a director. “We work crazy long hours, and the energy that he brings is only positive,” said the actress, who plays the titular role on the CW series.

“You guys saw how many rounds of applause there were [when Smith was directing],” Benoist told Collider and other news outlets who were invited to the show’s Vancouver set earlier this month. “That’s like a daily occurrence, all day, and I don’t know how you keep that up. He’s wonderful.”

Brooks said the same thing about Smith’s directing style. “He … brings this amazing energy to the set,” the actor, who plays James Olsen/Guardian on the show, said of the filmmaker. “He’s always applauding, laughing, clapping, yelling out things that are funny. He sort of makes the day go quicker.”

Smith’s first “Supergirl” directorial gig, titled “Supergirl Lives,” airs on Monday, Jan. 23 at 8 p.m. EST on The CW.

Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith is set to direct Season 2, episode 17 of “Supergirl.” Pictured: Smith attends the premiere of ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ at the Pantages Theatre on Dec. 10, 2016 in Hollywood, California. Photo: Getty Images/Mike Windle

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