Kerry meets sultan of Oman in Germany

MUNICH (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met Sultan Qaboos of Oman on Saturday in Germany, where the Arab leader has been receiving medical treatment since July, a U.S. official said. Qaboos, 74, has ruled the Arabian peninsula state since 1970, but his prolonged stay in Germany has led to growing concern about his health. Oman's royal court has given no details of his illness. During his meeting with Qaboos, Kerry "expressed his gratitude for their friendship", a senior State Department official told Reuters. They also discussed Wednesday's attack in Paris on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and the ongoing talks with Iran over its nuclear program, the official said. After his visit to Germany, Kerry is due fly to India for a trade fair and then to Geneva, where he will see Iran's foreign minister on Wednesday to discuss the Iranian nuclear program. Iranian and U.S. diplomats once held secret meetings in Oman, which led to an interim deal in 2013 under which Iran agreed to halt some sensitive nuclear work in exchange for some easing of economic sanctions. (Reporting by Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky)