Kentucky House GOP plan would cut income taxes but add sales taxes to these 18 services

FRANKFORT — Kentucky House Republicans filed their long-awaited tax reform plan on Friday, which would cut the state's individual income tax rate by 1% next year and include the potential to cut it incrementally in following years until it is eliminated.

Under House Bill 8, sponsored by House budget committee chairman Rep. Jason Petrie, R-Elkton, the individual income tax rate would be lowered from 5% to 4% in 2023, with a triggering mechanism employed in following years to lower it further based on the amount of general fund tax receipts the state receives.

If Kentucky's general fund tax receipts grow to $13.75 billion in a fiscal year, the individual income tax rate would be lowered in the following calendar year to 3.5%.

The tax rate would also fall by half percent intervals with greater general fund receipt amounts and be eliminated entirely once general fund receipts exceed $20.5 billion.

More: GOP lawmakers move to give many Kentuckians a $500 tax rebate. Here's who would get them.

Kentucky's general fund receipts amounted to $12.8 billion in the 2021 fiscal year, and are currently projected to reach $13.79 in the 2022 fiscal year ending June 30.

The tax reform legislation would not increase the corporate income tax rate or the sales tax rate, though it would expand the sales tax to at least 18 types of services listed in the bill.

Rep. Jason Petrie, R-Elkton
Rep. Jason Petrie, R-Elkton

“Kentuckians, those here and those who will move here, recognize that what remains in your pocket at the end of a day’s work determines how you live," Petrie said in a statement. "We have been very open about our goal to let people keep more of their hard-earned money rather than collecting it for the government to determine how to spend.”

House Republicans strongly indicated they would roll out a major tax reform package after they unveiled and quickly passed their two-year state budget bill in January.

That budget plan left nearly $2 billion unspent, with House Speaker David Osborne indicating this would leave them room to implement a tax reform package that shifted Kentucky toward a revenue model more dependent on taxing consumption instead of production.

Kentucky budget address: 5 takeaways from Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear's 2022 budget address to the legislature

The move to work toward eliminating the income tax would fulfill a longtime wish of many Republicans to emulate the tax system of Tennessee, which has no income tax and higher sales tax rates, which they credit for the state outpacing Kentucky in economic and population growth in the past two decades.

On Thursday, Senate Republicans unveiled and passed out of committee another bill that would provide Kentuckians with $1.15 billion of tax rebates from the projected $2 billion surplus expected at the end of this fiscal year.

Under Senate Bill 194, individual tax filers would receive a $500 rebate and joint filers would receive a $1,000 rebate. Those not paying any state income tax would receive no rebate, and those paying less than $500 or $1,000 would receive a rebate of that lesser amount they paid in taxes.

Meanwhile, Gov. Andy Beshear recently proposed temporarily reducing the state sales tax rate from 6% to 5% to help Kentuckians struggling with inflation — the same motive Republicans cited for SB 194.

Beshear's spokeswoman Crystal Staley said Friday the governor "was not consulted by the House on the proposal and has not received a copy of the legislation."

Anticipating Republicans would attempt to push tax reform that increased or expanded the sales tax while lowering the income tax rate, Beshear has criticized this as a regressive tactic that would not stimulate the economy or "provide relief to people in every single income bracket."

Among the services that would no longer be exempt from Kentucky's 6% sales tax rate are:

  • Non-primary residential electric (primary residences would remain exempt)

  • Taxi cabs, car rentals, or transportation services like Uber and Lyft

  • Temporary rental services (AirBnB, VRBO)

  • Advertising, marketing, and graphic design services

  • Residential and nonresidential security systems

  • Bodyguard and self-protection services

  • Process servers

  • Valet and parking services

  • Pleasure watercraft docking

  • Entertainment venues and event space rentals

  • Legislative and executive branch lobbying

  • Cosmetic surgery procedures (non-medically necessary)

  • Personal financial planning

  • Private mail services

  • Road and travel services

  • Executive employee recruitment services

  • Unsolicited telemarketing services

  • Public opinion research

House Bill 8 would also implement a battery reclamation fee on electric and hybrid motor vehicles and an excise tax of 3 cents per kilowatt hour on fee-for-service vehicle charging stations — with such revenue split by the general fund and state road fund.

Jason Bailey, director of the left-leaning think tank Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, panned HB 8 as "devastating" funding for Kentucky’s schools, health, human services and infrastructure, while being a "giveaway to the wealthy."

"HB 8 is a reckless bill that would doom Kentucky’s schools and other public services and create a future of wider inequality, deeper poverty and stagnant economic growth," said Bailey, who noted the income tax makes up 40% of state revenue.

This story will be updated.

Reach reporter Joe Sonka at and follow him on Twitter at @joesonka. Support strong local journalism by subscribing today at the top of this page.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Kentucky GOP unveils bill to cut, eventually eliminate income taxes