New Kensington man guilty of child sex assault

Jun. 9—A New Kensington man has been convicted of the sexual assault of a 9-year-old girl.

A Westmoreland County jury deliberated more than five hours on Thursday before returning guilty verdicts against Chester Elmer Green Jr., who prosecutors contended had improper sexual contact with a young girl in 2013 and 2014.

Green was convicted of a felony count of aggravated indecent assault and misdemeanor charges of indecent assault and child endangerment. The jury acquitted Green of one felony charge of corruption of minors.

According to court records, Green's accuser was 16 when she came forward with the allegations in 2020. Green denied the allegations and was the lone defense witness to testify during the two-day trial. Defense attorney Ernest Sharif told jurors Green had a good reputation in the community and served as a youth swim instructor.

Green's accuser testified she did not tell anyone about the assault at first because she was concerned for her parents' safety, but later realized as she got older that she didn't think Green would harm or kill them.

Westmoreland County Judge Scott Mears said he will conduct a sentencing hearing for Green in about three months. Green had been free since 2021 after he posted $40,000 bond. The judge revoked Green's bond following the trial and ordered he remain in jail pending his sentencing.

Rich Cholodofsky is a Tribune-Review staff writer. You can contact Rich by email at or via Twitter .