Kellyanne Conway Defended President Trump's Mocking of Christine Blasey Ford

(WASHINGTON) — White House counselor Kellyanne Conway is defending President Donald Trump after he mocked a woman who has accused his Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault.

Conway told reporters at the White House Wednesday that Christine Blasey Ford has “been treated like a Fabergé egg by all of us, beginning with me and the president.”

She said Trump was “pointing out factual inconsistencies.”

The president, at a rally in Mississippi Tuesday night, mimicked Ford’s responses to questions at a Senate hearing last week when she described her allegations about nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh has denied the allegations.

Conway argued that “those who pretend they are searching for truth are already voting against him.”

She also said Democratic senators running for re-election in states Trump carried in 2016 should know that their voters “want him to be confirmed.”