Kate Beckinsale And Ex Michael Sheen Share An Emotional Cry

Kate Beckinsale, Michael Sheen, Lily Mo Sheen
Kate Beckinsale, Michael Sheen, Lily Mo Sheen

Underworld stars Kate Beckinsale and Michael Sheen may have gone their separate ways long ago, but there’s one very special thing keeping them together in a friendly and joyous relationship. That one thing is their daughter, Lily Mo Sheen, and as Beckinsale and Sheen recently shared, Lily’s latest achievement has brought the extended family together in a moment of sheer pride and joy. In fact, Kate and Michael admit they have been brought to tears, as they watch Lily grow into her own person and prepare to leave the nest.

Underworld Stars Kate Beckinsale And Michael Sheen Share Their Proudest Moment As Parents

Kate Beckinsale, Lily Mo Sheen
Kate Beckinsale with daughter, Lily Mo Sheen. [Image by Imeh Akpanudosen/Getty Images]

As E! News reports, the great achievement that has both Kate Beckinsale and Michael Sheen feeling so proud of Lily is the confirmation that she has been accepted into college. The noteworthy moment brought both of the Underworld stars to tears, as they shared an emotional embrace with Lily and with one another. Sheen, as his ex-wife reveals, was moved to share emotional hugs, while even Kate was brought to tears.

Ms. Beckinsale shared the memory on Instagram with her followers in a split image picture showing Michael picking up Lily into his arms in the left image, while he’s seen hugging Kate on the right.

“The appropriate fatherly response when you find out your girl got into college : burst into tears,drop everything,rush over and pick up everyone even remotely involved. @lily_beckinsale we are so unbelievably proud of you. Fly fly fly,” Ms. Beckinsale captioned the picture.

Kate followed her words with a string of hearts, showing a mother’s love for Lily Sheen.

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Kate Beckinsale And Ex Michael Sheen Share An Emotional Cry is an article from: The Inquisitr News