Karl Rove Wants to 'Murder' Todd Akin

Karl Rove Wants to 'Murder' Todd Akin

Karl Rove has repeatedly tried to push the crazies out of the Republican Party—Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell got subtle nudges, for example—but with Todd Akin, the Senate candidate in Missouri with odd theories about rape, Rove is giving more of a shove. Right over a cliff. Bloomberg Businessweek's Sheelah Kolhatkar reports that a breakfast with Republican donors on in Tampa Thursday, Rove joked, "We should sink Todd Akin. If he’s found mysteriously murdered, don’t look for my whereabouts!"

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Rove has reason to think only violence will persuade Akin to quit the race, as nearly all Republican leaders have demanded he do. Akin has a tendency to selectively cherry-pick information to suit his views, whether it's believing the fake science of a slightly-pervy doctor on abortion or poll numbers showing his support in Missouri. When he was being pushed to quit the race, he cited a survey by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling showing him beating his opponent, Sen. Claire McCaskill, by a point. He did not cite the findings released two days later by the right-leaning Rasmussen that he was 10 points behind.

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Democrats have an interest in keeping Akin in the race, because he gives McCaskill a chance to keep her seat. Republicans want him out. So you have to be a little skeptical about a new Public Policy Polling survey, our Friday, showing McCaskill only one point ahead of Akin. But Rove knows Akin won't be.