Kanye West's '808s & Heartbreak' Afterparty Was Ruined by Beverly Hills Police

Beverly Hills cops were simply not a fan of the post-classic-performance turn-up, shutting down the party before Kanye even arrived.

When you just delivered a stacked front-to-back performance of one of your most classic (and emotionally complex) albums, you surely expect the post-show turn-up to be one of justifiably historic proportions. Sadly, Kanye West wasn't exactly awarded this well-earned luxury after the second and final night of his 808s & Heartbreak mini-residency at the Hollywood Bowl.

As Kanye was en route to a private Beverly Hills estate after the performance for a proper afterparty, a persistent batch of Beverly Hills police showed up to the event and promptly pulled the plug. According to the Pulitzer-pining scholarly journal TMZ, Kanye was looking forward to "chewing the fat" with fans and celebrities alike, but police pulled that plug before he even arrived. The afterparty was promptly relocated.

Perhaps these cops are just a bunch of Late Registration purists and have annoyingly rejected the rest of Kanye's entire discography since 2005. Wake up, guys. 808s was a moody banger and a game-changer.

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