Justin Bieber Asked To Leave Historical Site After Pulling Pants Down And ‘Trying To Climb A Ruin’

Justin Bieber has landed himself in a whole load of trouble after reportedly trying to ‘climb a ruin’ while sightseeing a Mayan fortress in Mexico.

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The star reportedly stripped off and tried to jump onto an off limits ruin at Tulum beach leading to his bodyguards having an argument with the site’s security guards.

A local paper reports that the singer was then asked to leave ‘after pulling his underpants down’.

It’s believed (rather unsurprisingly) that Justin was ‘under the influence of alcohol’ at the time.

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“The report indicates the first incident occurred when the singer tried to enter with a beer in his hand,” the paper reported.

“He was prevented from doing so and after getting rid of his drink, he entered with his four companions.

"However on the first structure he pulled his underpants down, leading to INAH personnel asking him to leave the area without concluding his visit.

"The young man is said to have threatened and insulted the INAH workers and police were even called although their intervention wasn’t finally necessary.”

We just hope he gives them a call to say Sorry.