'It was just perfect': Army family welcomes twins on Leap Day in Augusta

Twins Hendrix and Theodosia Felder after being born at Doctors Hospital on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024. The Felders, former Augusta residents, traveled from Guam to give birth at Doctors Hospital.
Twins Hendrix and Theodosia Felder after being born at Doctors Hospital on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024. The Felders, former Augusta residents, traveled from Guam to give birth at Doctors Hospital.

The chance of having twins is about 3 in 100, according to Statista. The chance of having a baby on Leap Day is 1 in 1,461, according to Lamaze International. These unique events combined in a magical moment at Doctors Hospital this week.

Drake and Brittany Felder welcomed twins a little after 11 a.m. on Thursday (Leap Day). The first was Hendrix, named after the beloved artist Jimi Hendrix who is a favorite of Brittany Felder's grandfather, and Theodosia, named after the historical figure who is name-dropped in the hit musical "Hamilton," a favorite of the Felders. In the musical, Aaron Burr sings a loving song about his daughter called "Dear Theodosia" which Drake Felder has been practicing.

The couple, who also has a two-year-old son, can still remember the day they found out they were having twins.

"I got to watch the ultrasound while it was going on," Drake Felder said. "They went left-to-right, and I saw the first one. I'd seen my son in there before, so I know what it looks like. Then I saw another one, but I thought it must have gone all the way around."

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"It's a Girl" and "It's a Boy" ribbons hang outside the Felder's room at Doctors Hospital on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024. The Felders, former Augusta residents, traveled from Guam to give birth at Doctors Hospital.
"It's a Girl" and "It's a Boy" ribbons hang outside the Felder's room at Doctors Hospital on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024. The Felders, former Augusta residents, traveled from Guam to give birth at Doctors Hospital.

That's not the only surprise their pregnancy-journey featured. Drake Felder, an Army Sergeant E5, was initially based with his family in Guam, but the hospital was unable to deliver twins. He secured a Compassionate Reassignment, allowing them to be transferred to Fort Eisenhower and the area they once called home. At 30 weeks pregnant, they made more than 24-hour trip from Guam to Japan, then to Chicago, then to Columbia, South Carolina and finally the Augusta area.

"It was a little rough but we made it," Brittany Felder.

This also allowed them to once again give birth at Doctors Hospital, an enjoyable experience that was repeated with the twins' C-section.

"The nurses and the staff are just so caring, they treat you like family," Brittany Felder said. "It was just perfect."

Because Leap Day only happens once every four years, the Felders will have to try different things for the birthdays, but for now, they are just enjoying this unforgettable moment.

"We're a family of five now," Brittany Felder said with a laugh. "We had to buy a mini-van, never thought I'd do that ... We are very, very happy with our lives. It can only get greater from here."

This article originally appeared on Augusta Chronicle: Leap Day twins join Augusta military family