Just Back: The breathtaking waters of Italy's most magical village

The 13th-century village of Fanghetto - ©andrzej2012 - stock.adobe.com
The 13th-century village of Fanghetto - ©andrzej2012 - stock.adobe.com

Sarah Heseltine wins £200 for her tale of going with the flow in a quiet Italian gorge.

The rock on which I’m standing is only 4ft high and yet my nerves are jangling. On the other side of the gorge, a couple of children have climbed to a ledge halfway up the canyon from which they leap, fearlessly, into the water. Moments later they surface, shrieking, and begin to clamber back up. I can remember holidays years ago when I happily flung my 11 and 12-year-old self from great heights into other Mediterranean pools, but today the middle-aged me is stuck to the ground. 

The Fanghetto bridge - Credit: AP
The Fanghetto bridge Credit: AP

The lake in front of me is a cool, still jade, glittering in the sunlight; behind me the river is narrower, deeper, the water churning as it flows. Looking up, I see a boy on the old stone bridge, silhouetted against the blue of the sky; with a shout he pitches himself into the air and plunges into the river; the current carries him downstream until he emerges, triumphant. The children are dazzled. And finally, nerves shamed into submission, I look across the water, take a deep breath, and dive.

If you drive north from Ventimiglia, leaving the bustle of the Italian border city behind, the road takes you through long, winding tunnels before you emerge to see the Ligurian mountains ahead. If you keep climbing, you come upon the tiny, 13th-century village of Fanghetto. Directly below the Roman bridge leading to the town, a scramble down a secluded rocky path brings you to the Audin gorge, where the Roya river forms enticing green pools. Adventurous types explore the canyon, descending with the river through caves and lakes. Or you can dream away your day lounging on the rocks beneath Fanghetto bridge, savouring the sun and the tranquillity and the water.

Ventimiglia, Italy - Credit: AP
Ventimiglia, Italy Credit: AP

And – oh! – the water is cold. Breathtakingly, thrillingly cold. I try a single lap of the lake – after months of swimming in the sea, it’s a joy to be in fresh water – but that’s enough, and I stagger out, exhilarated, into the glorious late-July heat. Instantly dry and warm, I watch as the bridge-jumping boy performs a flamboyant backwards somersault off a rocky outcrop way above the pool, his girlfriend filming on her phone from the rock next to me. I lounge for a few moments in the sunshine, but the water is hard to resist. I plunge back in.

This is a magical place: hidden from the road, concealed from traffic, even at the peak of the summer it felt a million miles away from the busy nearby beaches of the Italian and French Rivieras. We shared the rocks around our pool with a few local kids and two friendly holidaying families. It felt like much more than a lazy day out; it seemed like a trip back to childhood, to the days when perfect happiness was a sunny day, a pool of deep, clear water, and rocks from which to jump.

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The Italian cities you'd never thought to visit (but really should)

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