Julianne Moore becomes UK citizen

Julianne Moore

(BANG) -

Julianne Moore is "thrilled" to have become a UK citizen.

The 'Crazy Stupid Love' actress was born in the US but recently gained citizenship because her mother, Anne - who sadly passed away two and a half years ago - was Scottish.

She said: "I've just become a UK citizen. Isn't that something? I'm really thrilled and it would have meant the world to her.

"Her parents emigrated when she was 10, so she didn't have a choice about moving to the United States."

Julianne's mother had to renounce her British citizenship when she married her husband, Peter - an army colonel then a military judge, who was not allowed to have a foreign national as a wife.

She added: "My sister and I both remember her coming home in tears carrying the American flag."

The 50-year-old star's mother died at a relatively young age from an embolism, and Julianne has had a hard time coming to terms with her passing, and still finds it difficult without her.

She added: "It's still the same, it's very painful. I don't know that you ever recover from loss. My mother was very young, too.

"She died at 68. The thing about having a very young mother who had you at 20 is that you expect that you're going to be old ladies together.

"I've learnt that you have to appreciate every minute. Don't wish your life away. Be present."

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