Judge rejects New Kensington man's appeal of murder conviction

Jun. 16—A Westmoreland County judge on Friday rejected the appeal filed by a New Kensington man, who said his claims of self-defense were not properly considered by jurors, and found him guilty of first-degree murder of an unarmed man in an Arnold home in 2020.

Mario Gatti, 33, of New Kensington contended evidence presented during the trial was insufficient to disprove defense claims that he feared for his safety when he fired the fatal shots that killed Michael Coover Jr.

Gatti testified at trial that he entered Coover's home to speak with him about previous violent threats that stemmed from a $300 drug debt. Coover, 33, of Brackenridge died from gun shot wounds to his arm and chest.

Gatti claimed he fired his weapon in self-defense after Coover splashed him with cooking oil and feared he was about to be hit with a kitchen implement.

In a 13-page opinion, Westmoreland County Common Pleas Judge Christopher Feliciani wrote that prosecutors presented enough evidence to convince jurors that Gatti planned and premeditated Coover's killing.

"Defendant unlawfully entered the residence with a loaded gun in his hand with the intent to commit the crime of homicide and/or with the specific intent to kill Mr. Coover. In the instant case, the jury clearly disbelieved defendant's self-serving self-defense theory," the judge wrote.

Jurors found Gatti guilty of first-degree, second-degree and third-degree murder, along with other related offenses, in connection with threats made against two woman and a baby who were in the Arnold home at the time of the shooting.

Gatti is serving a life sentence for Coover's murder and an additional 21 to 45 years in prison imposed for convictions to reckless endangerment, firearm offense and other counts.

Feliciani also rejected Gatti's argument that the judge abused his discretion when he imposed the consecutive sentences.

Rich Cholodofsky is a Tribune-Review staff writer. You can contact Rich by email at rcholodofsky@triblive.com or via Twitter .