Judge frees Peru opposition leader Keiko Fujimori

LIMA, Peru (AP) — Peru's opposition leader Keiko Fujimori was freed by an appeals judge late Wednesday, a week after she was arrested in an ongoing money laundering investigation.

The daughter of former strongman Alberto Fujimori cried as the judge read aloud his ruling Wednesday night. Several critics heckled Fujimori as she left the courthouse.

She remains under investigation over some $1.2 million in undeclared financial contributions to her 2011 presidential campaign that were allegedly made by Odebrecht, the Brazilian construction firm at the heart of Latin America's largest-ever graft scandal.

Fujimori narrowly lost to Pedro Pablo Kuczynski in the 2016 presidential runoff. But her party emerged with a majority of seats in congress.

A different judge recently ordered the elder Fujimori be returned to jail to finish a long sentence for human rights abuses.