Jonathan Richardson responds: Long shots can and do win.

With eight days until the primary, it all still feels like a dream. To be a candidate for the United States House of Representatives is truly part of the American dream and I am honored to have this opportunity. There was a time in this nation’s History where someone who had the same complexion as myself could not vote, let alone hold public office. Much progress has been made in the United States yet one issue, especially in politics, remains apparent. The issue of money or the lack thereof. It’s true that political campaigns cost money but the amounts of money we’ve witnessed being raised in American politics is extraordinary, which sadly discourages many “ordinary folks,” from running for political office. The fact is money helps. However the majority of Americans are not millionaires and regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds, I encourage their full participation in chasing the American dream of being an elected official just as I have chosen to do. I’ll end with a quote from Bob Marley when asked if he was rich: “Money make yah rich .... My richness is life forever.”

Jonathan Richardson is a candidate in the Democratic primary of the congressional 6th District.