Jon Stewart Wonders How Did Democrats Screwed Up on 'Are We Better Off?

Jon Stewart and The Daily Show team head to Charlotte for the DNC, and Stewart's appalled at the Democrat's poor response to the question "Are we better off?

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From Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley to David Axelrod, prominent Obama supporters were either saying we're not better off or walking around the answer. Americans don't understand those answers, Stewart said. "Here's what the American people understand," Stewart says. "That getting a free sandwich is a good reason for buying ten other sandwiches.... Angels are real.... Malcolm X was leader of the X-Men."

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Republicans, on the other hand, have a simple message by Chuck Norris and his wife, who warn of socialism and "a thousand years of darkness." Stewart: "Democrats, how did you get caught flat-footed on the 'better off' question?

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