Jon Stewart and Michelle Obama Talk About the President's Misspent Youth

Fresh off of a two-week vacation, Jon Stewart must've decided that he wanted his return to The Daily Show to be big. So why not an interview with the First Lady of the United States? 

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Sure, Stewart had the chance to gab with Michelle about her popularity, her gardening, and Joe Biden. "I'm not taking any bait," she said when asked about "Crazy Uncle Joe." But lately, when it comes to the Obamas' personal life, what we care about is the president's pot-smoking days, as revealed in David Maraniss' new biography. Stewart asked Michelle what Barack was like when she met him, and she has this to say:

By the time he was in college, like so many young people he realized that he could do more with his life. He had a mother who was saying, 'You're so gifted, you're so talented.' Slapped him in the back of the head and said, 'Get yourself together.' And I think when he lost his father, that was one of those click-in moments, and he really buckled down. He transferred schools, went to Columbia. And he got really thinking about how he would use his life to the fullest. That was before me.

And just for good measure, Stewart also had the chance to call out Roger Ailes, who took the opportunity while Stewart was away to let fly that Stewart once called himself a socialist. Running down the so-called "socialist" policies he supports like Social Security and Medicare, Stewart clarifies that at one time "socialist" wasn't a dirty word. "I know watching Fox News makes you misinformed, but running it doesn't." 

RELATED: Jon Stewart Thinks Mark Halperin's Gaffe Was Simply Amazing

Glad to see you come back strong, Jon.

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Part 1:

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Part 2:

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