Jon Snow owes everything to Lady Lyanna

There will be spoilers below for Game of Thrones, Season 6, episode nine. Please bear with us. 

Jon Snow came out victorious in tonight's Game of Thrones episode, and it went pretty much the way everyone hoped. But, he probably owes his life to the show's newest breakout star.

After Wun Wun the giant heroically burst through the doors of Winterfell, allowing the remnants of Jon Snow's army to swarm in, Ramsay Bolton finally agrees to a one-on-one bastard battle. This was after he struck an arrow through the gutsy giant's eye, which turned Jon's seething anger up to 11. 

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As Jon lurks forth, ready to rain down his blows on another smug Snow face, Ramsay picks up his bow to fire quickly at the approaching newly-raised-from-the-dead man. With reflexes at the ready, Jon bends down and picks up the first thing he can — a bear shield from House Mormont. That stout shield saved his pretty face long enough for him to close the gap and begin pummeling Ramsay.

So basically, the spectacular Lady Lyanna just saved Jon Snow's life.

Image: HBO

When we last left Lady Lyanna on the shores of Bear Island, it wasn't certain she would bring her promised 62 men to aid in the fight for Winterfell. But tonight, in the opening parlay between the bastards, there she rode, casting doubt, suspicion and judgment upon everything in her way. 

And then when Jon plucked up the shield that proudly proclaimed her house's symbol, it was certain that she came to protect the possible Azor Ahai.

Image: HBO

Well after the death of former Lord Captain Commander of the Night's Watch Jeor Mormont, his house and lineage continues to look after the young Jon Snow. 

Just stop trying so hard to die again, Jon.