Jon Bon Jovi to watch signing of NJ's overdose law

Jon Bon Jovi to join NJ governor at signing of drug overdose Samaritan bill into law

PATERSON, N.J. (AP) -- Jon Bon Jovi is slated to be on hand when Gov. Chris Christie signs New Jersey's drug overdose prevention bill into law Thursday.

The measure shields someone overdosing on drugs and those who get them medical assistance from prosecution if they act in good faith.

The issue hits close to home for Bon Jovi. The rocker's daughter apparently overdosed on heroin in a New York college dorm room last year.

A district attorney dropped drug charges against Stephanie Bongiovi and another student under New York's so-called Good Samaritan 911 law that was designed to reduce overdose deaths by encouraging people to call 911 without fear of being arrested for drug possession.

New Jersey lawmakers had reached a compromise with Christie, who had conditionally vetoed the legislation to limit its scope.