John Oliver warns that Mexico’s likely next president is like Trump

On Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, Oliver pointed out the similarities between the front runner in Mexico’s upcoming presidential election, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, also known as AMLO, and Donald Trump. Like Trump, Oliver says AMLO’s goals are clear but how he plans to achieve them is sketchy. Another similarity is AMLO’s constantly shifting policy positions and his tendency to keep his advisers in the dark. Oliver said, “…journalists who have covered him say it's hard to judge things based on his policy platforms because they are prone to change, often seemingly overnight, and that he often makes big promises while keeping his own advisers guessing as to what he really means.” Another thing AMLO has in common with Trump is that the same types of groups support him, like the Socialist Encounter Party, an evangelical Christian party that opposes same-sex marriage, homosexuality, and abortion. One glaring difference between AMLO and Trump, is that AMLO also enjoys support from more liberal groups too. Some, including Oliver, make a comparison not just to Trump, but also to Bernie Sanders.