John Newman is an easy choice | Opinion

John Newman
John Newman

Editor's note: We are allowing a supporter of each candidate for Republican nominee Madison County Mayor to write an opinion piece in support of their candidate of choice. Primary election day is Tuesday from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m.

First, I want to thank you for allowing me to serve as your Madison County Mayor the last 15 years. It has been an honor.

Over 30 years ago I met a fellow who was about as convicted with his conservative beliefs as I had ever witnessed. His name was John Newman, a young businessman who wanted to change the way government operated in Madison County dominated by Democrats.

Back in those days, opportunities for the Republican Party were limited until a small band of believers, in a cause bigger than themselves, were fed up with higher taxes, more regulations, and bigger government. So, Newman, along with many others, went to work and helped start a revolution of conservative Republicans determined to be heard.

He helped create a blueprint of how to make Madison County a better place to live, work and raise a family by recruiting candidates to run for local office who believed in conservative government. Republicans took control of the county commission and paved the way for others to be successful countywide, including myself.

This was just the beginning. John joined a fellow who despised “politics as usual”, folks being over-taxed and under-appreciated, by the name of Fred Thompson. John played a key role in Fred Thompson’s crushing victory for Senate that year and went on to serve as a Senior Advisor for all West Tennessee.

John Newman has been involved in numerous races across the state helping elect conservative state legislators to what is now a super majority of Republicans. Along the way, he became one of the first Republican County Commissioners elected in Madison County and then later elected County Trustee, and re-elected two other times. No one in this race knows how county government works better than John Newman. He has been a resource of knowledge, mentoring young-elected officials to reach their highest potential all for the good of the county.

The Mayor is the number one ambassador for our county, has relationships on Capitol Hill in Nashville, carries a passion to make Madison County the best it can be, is a member of Team Madison County in recruiting industry, oversees various departments in the County and is the eyes and ears for the Madison County Commission. John Newman is known and respected across the state and in Madison County.

John’s commitment to electing conservative Republicans is the very reason Madison County and the state of Tennessee are the envy of others. While serving as county commissioner, John never voted for a tax increase. We should be thankful for folks like John who can find ways to cut spending in the budget instead of increasing it by raising taxes. John Newman needs no on the job training.

John has a vision of how to prepare our community for the coming of Ford Motor Company, how to invest wisely in education to empower parents and students, how to support our local businesses, and fully supports our law enforcement and first responders to keep our county safe.

Friends it matters who governs, and, when all the political ads and campaign rhetoric has reached an end, the question will be, “Who do you trust with our community's future?” Which candidate will always put Madison County first? I believe, that is John Newman. Greatness is really determined by service. It has been said, “you only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love for service”. That is my friend John Newman. Thank you for your consideration of John as our next Madison County Mayor.

Jimmy Harris is the outgoing mayor of Madison County, having served in the role for 15 years.

This article originally appeared on Jackson Sun: John Newman is an easy choice | Opinion