John Candy classic The Great Outdoors is getting a remake

Remake... John Candy movie The Great Outdoors is being remade - Credit: Universal
Remake… John Candy movie The Great Outdoors is being remade – Credit: Universal

Classic John Candy comedy ‘The Great Outdoors’ is getting the remake treatment.

Variety reports that it will be comedian Kevin Hart who will be taking on the lead role for Universal, as well as producing the movie.

No word yet on co-stars or a director.

(Credit: AP)
(Credit: AP)

The original movie was released in 1988, penned by John Hughes and directed by Howard Deutch, who directed other Hughes-written movies ‘Pretty In Pink’ and ‘Some Kind of Wonderful’.

It followed Candy’s Chet Ripley as his holiday in Wisconsin is gate-crashed by his crass and wealthy brother-in-law Roman, played by Dan Aykroyd.

(Credit: Universal)
(Credit: Universal)

The pair clash, but it soon emerges that Roman is broke after a failed investment.

It also involved errant raccoons, a 96-ounce steak and a bald-headed bear. Whether these will feature in the new version, it’s hard to know for sure.

Hart’s next up in the ‘Jumanju’ sequel, ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’, due out in December, and the forthcoming ‘Captain Underpants’ movie.

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