John Boehner Is on a Sex-Joke Rampage

John Boehner can't stop making jokes that show how he earned his high school nickname, and his sexual innuendo campaign went there today — on sweet and innocent Valentine's Day, no less. When NBC News' Luke Russert asked Boehner this morning what he got his wife for Valentine's Day, Boehner replied, "Same thing I got you, honey," and blew three air kisses.

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This follows two previous sex jokes, which, by the rules of trend pieces, makes the Boehner sex joke habit an official trend. When asked about whether an immigration reform deal could include a path to citizenship, Boehner told ABC News Tuesday it was too soon to say. "Slow down. Slow down. How about a little foreplay?" The very next say, Politico reported "tensions between the House and Senate were so raw that Boehner's aides coined a phrase as the Senate largely avoided tough votes during Obama's reelection bid: They said the chamber has 'gone limp,' according to several sources."