Joe Biden should mind his 'jokes' about consent: Readers sound off

Letter to the editor:

I like former Vice President Joe Biden, but I find it unacceptable that he made light of allegations of touching women and making them uncomfortable. I’m amazed that a person as politically experienced as Biden is so challenged rhetorically.

You can’t say you “understand” and will be “mindful” of this matter in a video one day and several days later joke about it in a speech. This shows he lacks message discipline.

Talker: I worked with Joe Biden for a decade. I saw nothing inappropriate

Making a few women feel uncomfortable didn’t have to be an issue for Biden, but his latest response now may make it an issue. As a communication scholar, I believe there is a rhetorical lesson here for Biden and all politicians. When accused of wrongdoing, think through the appropriate way to handle it, offering one and only one response. Don’t let a 24-hour news cycle get you. Every time you try to clean up a prior response simply garners additional media scrutiny.

Richard Cherwitz; Austin

Pharmacists can help in opioid crisis

Letter to the editor:

As the medication experts in our health care system, pharmacists in hospitals and clinics can help mitigate the opioid crisis. As USA TODAY’s editorial notes, opioid addiction is a treatable chronic brain disorder. Medications are available for treating opioid addiction, yet most people who could benefit from these drugs don’t receive them. Each drug has dangers and limitations, and pharmacists — who today complete doctor of pharmacy degrees and often continue their education with one to two years of clinically oriented postgraduate residencies — have the training and expertise to help the addicted and solve this public health problem.

Our view: These medications can reduce opioid deaths. Why aren't they being used more?

Unfortunately, state and federal regulations and Medicaid reimbursement rules frequently tie our hands. For instance, under the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000, pharmacists cannot obtain waivers required to prescribe buprenorphine, which is an effective treatment for opioid addiction, though subject to abuse in the wrong hands.

If pharmacists were allowed to use their training and connections to manage medication-assisted therapies for opioid addiction, it would greatly expand the pool of providers who can help mitigate this crisis. Survival for opioid addicted patients depends on receiving the best treatment. Pharmacists can help patients stay on the medications that can save their lives.

Paul W. Abramowitz, CEO of American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; Bethesda, Md.

Tackle toxic masculinity, help 'boy crisis'

Letter to the editor:

In response to the column "The 'boy crisis' is more than economic," while I appreciate the attention paid to this important topic, I was very disappointed to find the analysis lacking.

I do not believe it is possible to talk about serious issues boys and young men face in this country, such as rates of incarceration and unemployment/lack of employment preparation, without mentioning the disparate impact of these issues on brown and black boys, and the systemic forces that have created the “crisis.”

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I strongly refute the notion that concepts such as “the future is female” and “toxic masculinity” are to blame for this crisis. I am mystified at how the author could provide a nod to feminism (which has always benefitted boys and men) when speaking of dads, and fail to recognize that toxic masculinity is not something deployed to hurt boys, but rather a growing awareness of the ways that strict codes of masculinity contribute to this crisis. It is meant to inspire boys and men to redefine masculinity in a way that will make them stronger, more confident, resilient and successful in a rapidly changing and diversifying world.

It does a disservice and is a missed opportunity to write on such an important issue without providing solutions that will actually get to the heart of the issue. The “boy crisis” will never be resolved until toxic masculinity and systemic racism are addressed.

Katie Gutierrez Nittmann; Denver

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Joe Biden should mind his 'jokes' about consent: Readers sound off