Joe Biden’s Diner Shtick Doesn’t Work in Singapore

It's a common sight when Joe Biden walks into a restaurant: big, glowing white teeth smiling, a squint in his eyes, aviators off, and cheese-ball antics in full force. The vice president loves this kind of thing, but it doesn't always work.

Take Thursday afternoon, when Biden, traveling overseas in Singapore, stopped at a local food stall known for its prawn noodle soup and fried rice. Veep did his normal routine, greeting the owners and onlookers.

Then Biden sat next to one diner so the two could take a photo. The problem: The man didn't know who Biden was.

"Who is he?" the man asked, according to pool reports.

Biden then bought two cups of fresh lime juice, talked a little more to the owners and went on his way.

This interaction doesn't rival some of the vice president's more famous restaurant stops, like that one, strange time when he cozied up with some bikers (pictured above) in Ohio. But when it's Biden and a room of onlookers, no one doubts he'll put on a good show.