Joe Biden to announce 2020 presidential bid this week

Joe Biden will launch his 2020 campaign this week, sources close to the former vice-president said. He will make his announcement in a video to be released on Thursday and plans to hold an event in Pittsburgh on Monday.

Biden was initially expected to kick off his campaign on Wednesday before delaying his launch. Early polling shows Biden in the top tier of the Democratic field but in close competition with the Vermont senator Bernie Sanders for frontrunner status.

Biden, who spent the last five decades in Washington but never lost touch with his working-class background, is scheduled to face union workers in Pittsburgh on Monday as part of a rollout tour, a person familiar with the plans told the Associated Press, speaking on the condition of anonymity to disclose private conversations.

Related: Who is running for president? The full list of 2020 Democratic candidates

While he may be popular with the white working-class in the midwest, it’s unclear if Biden will appeal to the more liberal voters who tend to have outsized sway in Democratic primary contests.

His decision largely settles the crowded and diverse Democratic presidential field at 20 candidates, including six women, five people of color and one member of the LGBTQ community. Biden would be the most experienced politician in the race, and the second-oldest, after 77-year-old Bernie Sanders.

A handful of lesser-known Democrats, including the Montana governor, Steve Bullock, could join the race in the coming weeks or months, but Biden’s decision is considered the final major piece as voters, donors and elected officials alike begin to pick their favorites.

Biden, who has run for president twice before with little success, will look to organized labor for support early on.

The largest firefighters union is preparing to formally endorse Biden this week, with group leaders saying they will be “investing” heavily in the former vice-president’s anticipated bid.

“Come on in, the water is warm, Joe,” the California senator Kamala Harris, another 2020 contender, laughed on Tuesday as she campaigned in New Hampshire. “I adore Joe Biden and I think he has to make whatever decision is best for him.”