Joaquin Phoenix takes the Best Actor Golden Globe for Joker

For his performance in Joker, Joaquin Phoenix got what he deserved, according to the Hollywood Foreign Press Association: a Golden Globe Award.

Phoenix on Sunday took home the Golden Globe for Best Actor — Motion Picture Drama. He was considered the frontrunner in the category, with pundits having seen Marriage Story's Adam Driver as his primary competition.

In his acceptance speech, Phoenix praised his fellow nominees, saying he's "honored to be mentioned with you." On the live broadcast, the actor, who told those in attendance they need to do "more" than simply express their support for Australia amid the wildfires there and instead "make some changes," was censored multiple times.

This is the second Golden Globe for Phoenix, after he won for Walk the Line in 2006. He's also the latest actor to win a Golden Globe for playing the Joker after Heath Ledger posthumously took the supporting actor prize in 2009 for his performance in The Dark Knight.

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