Jimmy Kimmel gets people to talk about the 'crisis' in Wakanda

Black Panther: Jimmy Kimmel gets people to talk about crisis in Wakanda

Jimmy Kimmel‘s correspondents hit the streets to see what Americans think about what’s happening in Wakanda right now. Anyone who’s seen Marvel’s Black Panther can tell you why that’s funny.

Wakanda is the fictional, futuristic African nation that serves as the setting for the Ryan Coogler-directed film. Apparently, there are some people who didn’t know that.

“I think we need a strong [military] presence there,” one bystander said in the latest edition of Kimmel’s “Lie Witness News.” “I definitely support our troops. So, if they’re in Wakanda, they have a reason to be there.”

Another pedestrian in Hollywood believed America should solve its own problems first before getting involved with Wakanda, while another was asked about vibranium (the fictional metal located in Wakanda) and he believed Wakandans shouldn’t have to share.

Another, still, responded to questions about President Donald Trump’s Twitter war with King T’Challa, which, of course, is not a real thing. “Bad publicity is good publicity for some people,” he said.

“People don’t want to see it. I don’t think so,” she said.

Meanwhile, Black Panther — the movie about King T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) assuming the throne of Wakanda amid civil unrest — has earned more than $300 million at the domestic box office, breaking some records in the process.