Jet Set Radio’s beloved street skating comes back in Hover: Revolt of Gamers

Cel-shaded graffiti-spraying is rolling back into town.

Developers Midgar Studio and Fusty Games announced today that Hover: Revolt of Gamers is releasing for PC on May 31. Hover is take on Sega’s Jet Set Radio series, which had players skating and spraying graffiti around colorful, cartoon-style cities.

Hover received crowdfunding on Kickstarter in 2014, raising $116,398. It’s been available via Early Access on Steam since 2015.

The first Jet Set Radio (or Jet Grind Radio, as Sega called it in the U.S.) came out in 2000 for the Dreamcast. The game was not a big sales hit, but it received praise from critics and gamers for it street-punk style and clever gameplay, which focused on skating and spreading graffiti in open environments.

The last game in Sega’s franchise, Jet Set Radio Future, came out in 2002 for the Xbox. It’s been a long time since fans have had a chance to play a new game with a similar style. While Hover isn’t technically a sequel, it certainly looks the part. Its cel-shaded art, neon colors, and skate-grinding gameplay all scream, “Jet Set Radio.” It even includes new tracks from Hideki Naganuma, the composer behind the Jet Set Radio franchise.

Unlike Jet Set Radio, Hover offers a first-person viewpoint. It also has cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes.


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