Jeremy Corbyn Is The Man Who Almost Defeated Theresa May

Jeremy Corbyn is the leader of British Labour Party, who has emerged as a major opponent for British Prime Minister Theresa May spearheading the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom's 2017 General Election.

While May made the call in June for an early election, confident her party will be favored by the masses to earn her a convincing win, after several questionable policy decisions and recent back-to-back terror attacks, early poll numbers prior to the voting day showed the gap between the Conservative and the Labour party had closed up to just a point.

That was when the world turned its attention to Corbyn, who until then, was sidelined as a candidate who would not have much impact on the 2017 UK Elections.

Jeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn

Britain's main opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn leaves a polling station after casting his vote in north London, June 8, 2017. Photo: Getty Images/ Daniel Leal-Olivas

Corbyn was born to David and Naomi Corbyn in Chippenham, Shropshire, in 1949. He attended a grammar school in Shropshire and a technical college in north London. At the age of 25, he was elected to a local London council and worked for the National Union of Public Employees. In 1983, he was elected to Parliament for the Labour seat of Islington North, according to Britannica.

He married his third wife, Laura Alvarez, a Mexican human rights lawyer in 2012, after he offered to help her search for an abducted niece, the Daily Mirror reported. He has three sons, Thomas, Seb and Benjamin Corbyn, according to Mirror Online.

Apart from his signature white beard, which, according to the Telegraph, has won the Parliamentary Beard of The Year award five times already, Jeremy is best known for his frugality.

"Well, I don't spend a lot of money, I lead a very normal life, I ride a bicycle and I don't have a car," Corbyn told the Guardian.

Jeremy Corbyn is clean of all bad habits, including drinking and smoking (tobacco or otherwise), the BBC reported. He keeps himself healthy by jogging and playing football as well as cricket in his spare time. His favorite late-night meal is hummus, which he likes to indulge in after taking part in political protests in Trafalgar Square.

“I'm totally anti-sugar on health grounds, so eat very few biscuits, but if forced to accept one, it's always a pleasure to have a shortbread,” he said during a Mumsnet Q&A.

Jeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn is startled by Cody the Dachshund during a campaign event outside the James Paget Hospital, Great Yarmouth, England, May, 13, 2017. Photo: Getty Images/Dan Kitwood

Coming to his political stances, Jeremy Corbyn agreed with May’s take on Brexit, but differed on the changes that needed to be made. He stated one of his first acts, if he became Prime Minister, would be to contact German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron and revisit the terms and conditions of the Brexit deal, in a way that guaranteed the rights of EU citizens based in the U.K, CNBC reported.

Being an ardent environmentalist, Corbyn also heavily criticized President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord.

He said a government should be one that “measures its success by improvements in our natural world and the sustainability of our environment. A Labour government wouldn’t hesitate to ring up and write to Donald Trump to say 'Sorry, mate, you’re wrong—stand by the Paris agreement,'" Buzzfeed reported.

He clashed with May regarding the kind of counter-terrorism measures the British government is currently implementing, in the wake of double terror attacks in the UK. He even urged May to resign given the 20,000 police officers and firefighters who had lost their jobs due to the cuts she made to law enforcement agencies, according to the CNBC report.

The left-wing leader has also promised to dismiss zero-hour contracts, bring the railways back into public ownership and ban student tuition fees if he becomes the next Prime Minister.

As the results of the UK election 2017 draw to a close, the fact May’s decision to hasten the UK election might have been a mistake is becoming apparent by the fact that BBC has officially declared the race has ended in a hung parliament. After failing to obtain 326 seats, the only way for the Conservative Party to regain control of the parliament would be to form a coalition government.

Hence, while Corbyn might not have succeeded in defeating May, he has left a long-lasting impression on the UK political platform. “Whatever the final result, we have already changed the face of British politics,” Jeremy said, New York Times reported.

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