Jennifer Aniston is already plotting her TV comeback and YASSS

Jennifer Aniston is already plotting her TV comeback and YASSS
Jennifer Aniston is already plotting her TV comeback and YASSS

I know, I know. We’re all very sad that there will never be a Friends reunion. But today we have some good news for any Jennifer Aniston fans, because apparently she is FINALLY down to make an appearance on television again. We are SO EXCITED.

During a recent appearance on her BFF Chelsea Handler’s Netflix show, Chelsea, Jennifer talked about her desire to once again return to the silver screen (or, I guess, these days just our laptops).

When asked if she would ever collaborate with her husband Justin Theroux, who has been starring on HBO’s The Leftovers since 2014, Aniston said:

“We’re so all over that. That is something that, because, television is where it’s at. I mean, I really do believe the shows are more interesting, there’s more opportunity for women.”

She then joked that there are fewer roles for women in film these days, or as Jen puts it, “I mean, unless they want you as a superhero, which that just hasn’t come down into my email box or whatever.”


You can check out that clip here:

She also adds that she would be interesting in playing a superhero someday!

“I would be psyched! But I would want to be the really uncoordinated superhero, because I just couldn’t take myself seriously leaping out of somewhere in, like, a full leather something.”

We would die to see Jennifer in either of these things, honestly. So, let’s make it happen, Hollywood. Please and thank you.

The post Jennifer Aniston is already plotting her TV comeback and YASSS appeared first on HelloGiggles.