Jennie Garth Swears Following This One Simple Rule Helps Her Stay In Amazing Shape

Photo credit: Michael Loccisano / Getty
Photo credit: Michael Loccisano / Getty

From Delish

When it comes to eating healthy, actress Jennie Garth doesn't deal with a complicated list of foods she can and can't eat, or tally Weight Watchers points, or anything like that. She keeps it simple.

"I just don't buy anything that's in a box or can," she recently told "We cook every night and eat fresh, healthy and clean." One peek inside her fridge, courtesy of an Instagram post, underscores that commitment. Her fridge's packed with fruit and vegetables, along with the occasional bottle of bubbly or Gatorade.

no sweetie, that's not YOUR juice! #childgonewild

A post shared by Jennie 💛 (@jenniegarth) on Sep 13, 2015 at 9:11pm PDT

Sticking to her no-boxed-or-canned-food rule means Garth doesn't have to decipher the ingredients on every label, so she knows exactly what she's putting into her body. And, since that's mostly fruit and vegetables, she's getting plenty of vitamins - something she's big on.

"I'm always a crazy vitamin lady," Garth said.

The former 90210 star maintains a gluten-free diet, and her fresh-food-first approach to eating has helped her keep off the 30 pounds she dropped last fall. The big thing, she told People back in September, is having the right perspective: "You have to remind yourself what your priorities are," she said. "And remind yourself about staying healthy and living a healthy life."

Photo credit: Michael Loccisano / Getty
Photo credit: Michael Loccisano / Getty

Garth exercises every day, be it jogging, hitting the gym, or going hiking with her dog. But, just because she's committed to healthy living doesn't mean she's immune to the occasional indulgence. Say what you will about white chocolate, but it's one of Garth's favorites. She'll have a bite or two when she's baking with her daughters (which, technically, doesn't break her rule, considering it comes in a wrapper). The star's Instagrammed sweets like cherry paleo muffins and honey banana cashew cupcakes, dabbling in sugar-free baking.

"My latest obsession ... sugar-free baking," she captioned the cupcake pic.

If she figures out a way to make cupcakes low-calorie and as protein-packed as a grilled chicken salad, she better stop by the Delish kitchen, ASAP.

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