Jay Penske Had a Rough Night on Nantucket

Jay Penske Had a Rough Night on Nantucket

Jay Penske, CEO of Hollywood digital publishing company PMC, which owns Deadline.com among others, was arrested early Thursday morning along with his brother Mark after what the police report sketches out as a decidedly unglamorous evening on Nantucket.

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The brothers are sons of the automobile mogul Roger Penske and the local paper which carried the news, the Inquirer & Mirror, notes that their parents "own a waterfront home on Nantucket in Pocomo." According to the police report, a woman spotted the Penske brothers in the parking lot of the Nantucket Yacht Club. Jay, reads the report, "turned and continued to urinate on her boots. He then proceeded to grab her arm and push her. (The woman) also states that Mark before he ran away pushed her and they both then ran to the house on Yacht Club property." After the incident, two women went to the police to report assault and battery, but the women aren't pressing charges. Instead the guys were arrested for breaking and entering because, according to Nantucket's The Inquirer and Mirror:

Police claimed they apprehended Jay Penske attempting to run away from the club, and that they found Mark Penske at the employee apartment after he had fallen down the staircase, suffering several cuts on this right arm.

Not the most successful getaway, so it's a huge embarrassment, they spent a night in lock-up, and (we'll assume) are not welcome back at the Nantucket Yacht Club. Of course, it's nothing Hollywood hasn't seen before.

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Correction: This post originally originally misstated Roger and Mark Penske's first names. We regret the error.