How Jay Inslee showed up during CNN's climate change town halls weeks after ending presidential bid

WASHINGTON -- Gov. Jay Inslee may have dropped out of the 2020 presidential race a few weeks ago, but his climate change policies are living on with his former Democratic rivals.

During Wednesday's CNN marathon of climate change town halls, several candidates mentioned Inslee's policies and his influence on the climate debate.

Before CNN’s Wolf Blitzer could even ask former HUD Secretary Julian Castro a question, he said, "I also want to give a shout out to Gov. Jay Inslee who did a fantastic job bringing this issue to the forefront of this campaign.”

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., echoed and credited Inslee for a one-liner after President Donald Trump erroneously claimed wind turbines cause cancer.

"Wind turbines don't cause cancer, they cause jobs," Inslee said back in April.

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Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., also mentioned the Washington state governor by name.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., known for her many policy proposals, posted online Wednesday night saying she has adopted Inslee’s plans and goals. She tweeted: “I proudly adopted many of @JayInslee’s plans —you go anywhere where there are good plans. The only way we’re going to make change is by looking everywhere.”

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is currently leading the sprawling 2020 Democratic primary field, has also reportedly called Inslee, asking for policy advice.

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Leading up to Wednesday's climate change event, Inslee appeared on CNN, saying, "We have seen, I think, an arms race now, in a good way, of candidates competing to have the most effective plans and I think that's a good thing."

"Tonight, I'm going to listen to the degree of strength and prioritization that candidates have given to this issue, not only to talk about the elements of their plans, but also how they see the larger context of other issues,” he continued. "Because we know we have to make this a high priority to get this job done.”

Inslee has announced that he will run for governor in Washington again.

More: Washington Gov. Jay Inslee drops bid for 2020 Democratic presidential nomination

After several hours of the climate town halls, Inslee sent a fundraising email, citing Warren, Harris and Castro for their support of his policies. No other candidates were mentioned.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: 2020 Democrats: Everybody loves Jay Inslee on climate change