Javadi has significant lead over Gaither in House Republican primary

State Rep. Cyrus Javadi held a significant lead Tuesday night over Glenn Gaither, a retired corrections officer, in the Republican primary for state House District 32 on the North Coast.

Javadi led Gaither 72% to 28% and was sweeping Clatsop County, Tillamook County and Clatskanie in Columbia County.

The election was a rematch of the 2022 primary, when Javadi beat Gaither and then narrowly defeated Democrat Logan Laity, a Tillamook small-business owner, in the November election.

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Laity was unopposed in the Democratic primary on Tuesday.

Cyrus Javadi

State Rep. Cyrus Javadi

“I am very pleased with these election results, and looking forward to continuing to work for the people in District 32 in the upcoming session if reelected in the general,” Javadi said. “Also, a job well done to my opponent in keeping the election clean — the primary clean — and on topic.”

Gaither declined to comment on the election returns.

Glenn Gaither

Glenn Gaither

Javadi, a Tillamook dentist, succeeded fellow Tillamook Republican Suzanne Weber when she ran successfully for the state Senate in 2022.

Javadi has branded himself as a moderate who can work across the aisle to find political solutions in Salem.

Logan Laity

Logan Laity

“I’m hoping that the constituents, the members of the district and the state and the nation are tired of partisan politics and have an appetite for — and I think they do — I think they crave leaders that are going to stand up for common sense, for practical solutions,” Javadi told The Astorian in April.

Javadi has cited housing and mitigating the impacts of the state’s habitat conservation plan on the region’s economy as key issues.

Gaither, who lives in Seaside, has criticized Javadi’s moderate outlook and called for harder-line positions on drugs, abortion and education.

“I will be there every day for every vote that I can possibly get into,” Gaither said at an election forum hosted by the Astoria chapter of the American Association of University Women in April. “I’m not going to be off doing something else, taking care of business. I’m going to be right there on the floor every single day, ensuring that your rights are protected, that our educational system gets fixed or replaced, and that we have an economy that supports families in the state of Oregon.”

Gaither, who won the endorsement of Clatsop County Republicans, has also claimed that voting by mail is not secure and criticized Javadi for not taking a similar stance.

A report by the Legislative Fiscal Office in 2020 that looked at two decades of vote-by-mail elections in Oregon found that voter fraud was extremely rare.