Japan’s new space satellite has captured the most beautiful images of Earth

It’s always neat to look at pictures of Earth from space but Japan’s Himawari-8 weather satellite has just outdone every beautiful set of Earth photos we’ve ever seen. The New York Times brings us word that the satellite is now snapping a picture of Earth every 10 minutes and the publication has used them to create a stunning timelapse of the planet over a 24-hour period.

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“Images from the Himawari-8 weather satellite’s first official day paint a living portrait of the western Pacific, with Typhoons Chan-hom and Nangka spinning slowly westward,” the Times explains. “Locked into a stationary orbit above New Guinea, the satellite takes 144 photographs of the entire planet a day, three times as many as its predecessor. The images show how weather systems evolve and help forecasters develop more nuanced models of Earth’s atmosphere.”

Check out the mesmerizing timelapse of Earth in motion yourself by clicking here.

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This article was originally published on BGR.com