Japan Catches Final Suspect from Deadly 1995 Subway Attack

Nearly twenty years after a deadly nerve gas on attack on the Tokyo subway, police in Japan have tracked down the final remaining fugitive from the group that was responsible. Katsuya Takahashi, 54, was arrested at an internet cafe in Tokyo, just two weeks after another accomplice was also captured, re-igniting interest in the 1995 attack that killed 13 people and left thousands of others injured or sick. Both men were members of the Aum Shinrikyo "doomsday cult" that placed sarin gas caplets in five Tokyo train stations and had amassed weapons and explosive in preparation for a war against the government. The leader of the cult, Shoko Asahara, was sentenced to death, but remains in prison.

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More than other 200 members of Aum Shinrikyo had been arrested and charged with various crimes in connection with the attack, but Takahashi and two other accomplishes remained at the top of Japan's most wanted fugitives list for 17 years. It's believed he never left the city, but lived in Tokyo under an assumed name. The manhunt escalated after the surrender of Naoko Kikuchi last month and Takahashi's mugshot was once again plastered around the country. Interest in the case was so great that once news of the impeding arrest broke out, hundreds of citizens and journalists gathered outside the cafe to witness police take Takahashi into custody.