Jan Brewer Bans State Benefits for Deferred Actioners

Jan Brewer signed an executive order on Wednesday denying driver's licenses and other public benefits to anyone benefitting from Obama's immigration policy that finally took effect today. 

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KTAR reports the new executive order denies state tax-payer funded rights to any children of illegal immigrants who pick up a temporary permanent resident pass thanks to Obama's "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" initiative. Brewer says she's reaffirming current Arizona law denying state identification and tax-funded benefits to illegal immigrants. The executive order argues deferred action "doesn't confer lawful status on illegal immigrants and won't entitle them to Arizona public benefits," according to KTAR. Brewer says deferred action could "result in some unlawfully present aliens inappropriately gaining access to public benefits contrary to the intent of Arizona voters and lawmakers who enacted laws expressly restricting access to taxpayer funded benefits and state identification.'' ABC News' Arizona affiliate reports protestors walked down Phoenix's Central Avenue on their way to the State Capitol after the order was announced. 

RELATED: 5 Political Effects of Blocking Arizona Immigration Law

Arizona's been leading the pack for state-level illegal immigration laws. There's the infamous SB 1070, the law the Supreme Court stripped a lot out of in June. They did leave the biggest part, which let's law enforcement officials ask for immigration papers from people they suspect are illegal immigrants. And this isn't the first time Brewer and Obama have clashed directly, either. Though the first time was in person. We're talking about the infamous finger-wagging incident on a tarmac in Phoenix.