James Franco is joined by his brother Dave for an SNL family reunion

James Franco is joined by his brother Dave for an SNL family reunion

James Franco came home for the holidays for a special family reunion in Saturday Night Live‘s final sketch of the night, and fortunately, his brother Dave stopped by to get in on the fun.

The skit was predominantly a catch-up session between James and his off-kilter cousin, Mandy (Heidi Gardner). She asks if he still goes swimming (yes), still eats candy (yes again), and if he “needs help” because she’d heard he made a terrible movie (slight misunderstanding there). She then gets in a little dig at her cousin, whose Disaster Artist marks his latest directorial effort. “Okay, little Jamey, whatever you say, but remember when you used to make good movies?”

They chat for some time more before Mandy asks, “Are you still brothers with Dave?” James assures her he is, goes into the house to greet his family, and out comes his brother — and, now, Disaster Artist costar — Dave to greet Mandy.

Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, and Steve Martin appeared during James Franco’s monologue earlier in the episode.