James Corden Delivers Emotional Tribute To The ‘Manchester I Know’

James Corden returned to the “Late Late Show” set on Monday evening to deliver a special message in response to the attack in Manchester at an Ariana Grande concert.

Speaking to the camera on a quiet, empty set, Corden seemed to be on the verge of tears as he acknowledged the victims.

“It shocks me every time we hear this sort of news that attacks like this can happen, but especially when there will be so many children at this concert tonight,” he said.

An Englishman, Corden spoke about many of the good things that came out of Manchester, from its musicians to its sports to its food, and mentioned that it was also the birthplace of suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst.

“But when I think of Manchester, the place that I know, I think of the spirit of the people there. And I’m telling you, a more tight-knit group of people you will be hard-pressed to find. Strong, proud, caring people with community at its core. And if it was even possible, the spirit of the people of Manchester will grow even stronger this evening.”

See the full segment above.

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