James Carville attacks Giuliani over Clinton health comments: 'Might have something going on in his brain'

In an interview with Yahoo News on Monday, Democratic strategist James Carville stated that Rudy Giuliani might be the one suffering from medical issues in response to the former New York mayor’s attacks on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s health.

“I think Rudy Giuliani might have something going on in his brain,” said Carville, who worked on Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. “I’m not too sure. It’s obviously a man telling people you’re going to get better information online than from a highly trained physician.”

The comments were in response to a weekend interview where Giuliani told a Fox News audience to “go online and put down ‘Hillary Clinton illness’ and take a look at the videos for yourself.”

Last week, Clinton’s longtime physician released a statement through the campaign stating that the former secretary of state was in “excellent health.” Giuliani is one of many Trump supporters who have been pushing the theory that Clinton is in poor health.

During the interview Carville also defended the Clinton Foundation, calling it “one of the great organizations in the world” and claiming that the media was trying to shut it down.

“I think tens of millions of poor kids in Africa are going to be in much worse shape but I think the press can claim some great victory,” said Carville. “I always thought taking money from rich people and giving it to poor people was a good thing, but apparently I’m in the minority view among the swans of Georgetown.”

“It’s a made-up thing, if somebody wanted to buy influence, the Clintons don’t make a nickel off the Clinton Foundation. They donate their time, why not just pay a direct consulting fee, seems like an elaborate pass-through to me.”

A June ABC News report stated that a prominent Foundation donor was given a position on an intelligence board despite zero history working with nuclear security. A New York Times story from Saturday cited the Foundation’s history of accepting millions from countries with histories of sex discrimination and human rights violations.